Monday, August 17, 2015

Today’s Pet Peeves

*** This post was supposed to be published in mid-June, but for some reason (pregnancy brain???), it never uploaded.  So here it is, better late than never, my last blog post as a mom of three.

            If you’ve ever been pregnant or trapped in the vicinity of a pregnant woman, you may recall that one of the nasty side effects of third trimester is extreme crankiness.  So as not to burden you all with my recent irritability, I haven’t posted for over a month, but I just can’t hold it in any longer.  So here you have it, my top pet peeves, in no particular order.  Please feel free to add your own in the comments…misery loves company!


1.       Drivers who don’t use turn signals.  Equally annoying are drivers who use turn signals but then leave them on indefinitely after lane changes

2.      Long toenails.  I mean, ewww.  Get some clippers!

3.      Hashtags, acronyms, abbreviations and other ways you people try to make me feel old

4.      Drivers who speed through school zones  when kids are obviously present

5.      Drivers who slow down for school zones when school isn’t in session

6.      Unattended children at swimming pools

7.      Dandelions

8.      Drivers who stop at yellow lights

9.      Drivers who run red lights

10.   People who pay for checks at the grocery or retail stores

11.    Parents who let their kids touch things on restaurant buffets

12.   Varicose veins

13.   Drivers who go the speed limit in the far left lane

14.   Drivers who go under the speed limit anywhere.  It’s possible I’m not the most patient or tolerant driver on the road.

15.   Programmable thermostats

16.   People who bike slowly on narrow roads at rush hour when there is a sidewalk right there

17.   Teens who drive golf carts down sidewalks

18.   Teenagers in general

19.   Dog farts

20.  People who take forever to tell a story.  Get to the point already!

21.   Drivers who text while driving

22.  Cigarette butts

23.  Special News Reports.  If I wanted to see the breaking news, I could check it on my phone without interrupting whatever show I actually want to watch

24.  Homework for elementary schoolers that obviously requires parental participation

25.  Short cell phone battery life

26.  Humidity

27.  People who back into parking spaces.  Unless you’re robbing a bank, this is pointless.

28.  Drivers who wait for someone else to get into a car and back out so they can have the parking space even though the lot isn’t full.  Stop making the rest of us wait so your lazy butt doesn’t have to walk ten extra yards!

29.  Expired coupons

30.  Newspapers thrown over the sprinkler head

31.   Sleet.  Either rain or snow, Atmosphere.  Make up your mind!

32.  Wasps.  The stinging kind.

33.  Comments on online news articles.  Don’t you people have friends you could discuss these topics with?  Why do you assume random strangers care what you think?

34.  Expired packaged food.  Who has time to check those dates at the store?

35.  Strangers who ask if I’m having twins

36.  Finding unflushed poop in every toilet in the house

37.  Cat litter

38.  Drivers who don’t wave thank you after you slow down to let them in your lane

39.  Dog poop at playgrounds.  Pick it up you lazy SOB!

40. When my phone autocorrects certain words to “duck” and “ducking.”  As if anyone ever has intentionally written either of those words in a text.

41.   Stores that email you multiple times a day to inform you of a short-term discount.  One notification is enough, thanks. 

42.  Tiny font

43.  People who use their cell phones during movies, even if not talking.  That light is distracting!

44. Mostly empty ketchup bottles

45.  Mosquito bites

46. Cursive handwriting.  Unless you’re signing your name, just print and spare the rest of us the pain of trying to decipher your scribbles.

47.  Commercials when you’re watching a show online

48. Parents who leave children who are obviously sick at preschool

49. Organic food.  The sheer fact that it exists increases my guilt about the hot dogs and pop tarts my kids just ate.

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