Sunday, October 26, 2014

25 Things I'm Thankful For

                It’s that time of year, folks.  You know—when we suddenly all realize how lucky we are and start literally counting our blessings.  So, that’s what I’m doing.  But this probably won’t be the hokey list you’re accustomed to.  While I am of course thankful for my family, my health, blah blah blah, there’s also quite a few things that I’m grateful for that don’t often get credit.  Here’s a little shout-out in honor of these awesome things I’m taking a moment to appreciate:

1.       Disposable contact lenses.  Yes, my kiddo looks awesome in glasses, but I don’t.  And I hated losing those suckers back when it was a hundred dollars per lens.

2.       Nail polish.  Not all of us are daring enough to make permanent statements with our bodies via tattoos or even semi-permanent changes like drastic hair dyes, but nail polish is a quick and easy way to jazz up your hands and show a little personality.

3.       Self-adhesive stamps.  Remember sending Christmas cards back when you had to lick each stamp? Yuck!

4.       The flashlight app on my phone.  My dad told me to always keep a flashlight in the car, under the bed, and in the basement where I could easily reach it.  But…shocker…I don’t always listen well.  Fortunately, I’m rarely sans-iphone, so I always have my flashlight in a pinch.

5.       Tampons.  Admit it, if you’re a girl, you’re thankful for these.

6.       Fun size candy bars.  I would never eat more than one full size Snickers in one sitting.  But have I ever eaten three (or more) fun sized candy bars at once?  You betcha…I may even be doing that right now!  Even though it’s more candy than one whole bar (despite the annual shrinking of the “fun” size which the candy manufacturers seem to think we don’t notice), but somehow I can eat them with less guilt.

7.       Colorful running shoes.  Because it’s way more fun to run in hot pink or neon green than boring old white or black.

8.       GPS.  I’m not certain I even own a paper map.

9.       Microwaves.  Where to start on this one…

10.   Diet coke.  Yes, I know…I’m basically pouring toxic chemicals packaged in a caffeinated brown liquid down my throat, but what a yummy way to get my post-coffee caffeine fix!

11.   Disposable diapers.  For those of you who cloth diaper, rock on!  But for the rest of us slackers who couldn’t imagine dealing with washers full of poo (or the dreadful safety pin mechanisms of the old-school versions), these suckers are a lifesaver.

12.   Eye drops.  I use these to combat allergies, dry eyes, hangovers, sleepiness, and red eye.  Plus I hear they temporarily take the redness out of acne too.

13.   Bubble bath.  If I dare to take a bath some evening, I guarantee it’ll only be a matter of minutes before at least 2-3 people come running into the bathroom with some “emergency” for me to fix.  It’s much easier to relax knowing I’ve got a shield of bubbles covering my goods.

14.   Smirnoff Ice.  If you know me, you know I don’t drink beer.  Not on principle or anything; it just tastes like sweat.  But thanks to this lovely bottled drink, I can pretend to be a pseudo-normal drinker on a night out.  It’s just too hard to fit my wine glass in a beer koozie.

15.   Seasonal candy.  No, I’m not seven, but I still get really excited about candy corn in the fall, mint everything in the winter, and jelly beans in the spring.  If only someone would invent a summer-specific candy…

16.   Seasonal everything else.  You get sick of pumpkin spiced crap?  Not me!  Nor do I mind Christmas carols blaring everywhere I go in December.  Life could get boring if every month were the same.

17.   Liquid hand soap.  Bar soap just grosses me out.  And if you get the yummy scented ones that foam up or also scrub off the old skin on your knuckles, even better!

18.   Treadmills.  Because sometimes it’s 90 degrees outside.

19.   Condoms.  Hopefully this one doesn’t require explanation.

20.   Laptop computers.  I’m not fully converted to touch screens yet, although I’ve used the ipad, kindle, and whatnot.  But I certainly can’t imagine being stuck in one spot while I type my masterpieces!

21.   Yoga.  Some days, I feel like a nap, but really want the satisfaction of knowing I’ve done something that somehow classifies as a workout.

22.   The suburbs.  Yeah, yeah, yeah there’s some cool stuff in the cities, but I can do without the constant traffic and pedestrian congestion.  I like the open space and neatness of it all.

23.   The library.  Lately, I’ve read some books that…well, let’s just say I’d be pissed if I’d paid money for them.  I love the chance to read books, watch movies, and get CDs all for free, plus taking the kids there for story time or summer reading program nets the kids prizes and makes me feel like I’ve done something meaningful as a mommy.

24.   Popsicles.  Not just the store-bought kind.  I love that you can stick nearly any liquid into the freezer and an hour later have a tasty treat.  Try freezing diet A&W when you get home.  Yum!

25.   Netflix, and specifically the wide variety of kid’s programming it offers.  Some of us are too cheap for cable and would never get laundry done without our babysitter named Netflix.

There's my list--what's yours?  Sign in with your gmail or google account and post the most unappreciated or overlooked things you're grateful for during this season of giving thanks.

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