Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Getting started finally

"Start blog" has been an item on my daily to do list for several weeks (ok, months) I'm pleased to say I'm finally doing it. I am currently working from home part time as a lawyer, full time as a wife and mommy to an energetic 2 year old, and full time as an incubator for another little girl who hopefully doesn't make her arrival into this world for a few more days so I have time to decide on a name for her. Seeing as how all that isn't keeping me busy enough, I thought, why not blog? So, here I am...just starting out, finally. I hope this blog can become my online journal of sorts, allowing anyone unfortunate enough to actually stumble along this blog to laugh at my mothering mishaps and day to day chaos.

So, stay tuned...future posts will be more interesting, I hope.

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