Friday, March 11, 2011

Bad Mommy

Well, I've managed to let a year slip by without posting... apparently blogging isn't my thing! Since last year, I've run a full marathon, increased my work hours (still entirely from home), started a new novel (but still not gotten the nerve to send the first out to agents), and somehow managed to keep up with a sneaky smart 3 year old and an incredibly active 1 year old.

Anyway, now that the kids are FINALLY napping, I find myself wondering if I'm the worst mom ever. It all started yesterday, when I set Samantha down in Sophia's room and turned my back for a nanosecond...Sami screamed and I realized the lights had gone off. Poor Samantha had yanked Sophia's nightlight out of the wall and shocked herself--apparently badly enough to blow the fuse to 2 bedrooms! She seemed fine, not even hurt, but yikes!!! So, after pledging to keep a closer eye on her, we went downstairs to play. She was intrigued by these large empty Tupperware bins, so I set her in one & then spun her in circles while she giggled. Later, Sophia pointed to a picture on the lid of the Tupperware--you know the one--a black and white photo of a baby in the bin with a giant red X marked through it...the one you see and think "what kind of a moron would put a baby in the bin?!" Sophia said, "Hey look, that picture is just like Sami earlier." And to make it the trifecta of bad parenting, Sophia went to the bathroom this AM, put the lid back down on the toilet, but then sprinted upstairs without flushing or washing her hands. I, of course, chase after her, insisting she wash her hands, and when I return to the bathroom, Samantha is standing by the toilet. I start to get her ready to leave, but when I go to put on her shoes, I realize her socks--which I know I put on earlier--are gone. Where are they? Why in the toilet, of course...the UNFLUSHED toilet. EEEWWWWW! Needless to say, not much lawyering went on in the past 2 days...and arguably very little mothering too.